Drive to accelerate the transformation- the power of drum motor behind the efficient sorting of express items

Express item sorting automation has become the consensus of the industry, and all kinds of automation equipment have been widely used. Facing the increase in both the volume of express business and the complexity of operation, the automatic sorting equipment of Wayzim can greatly improve the transfer efficiency of express items, and meet the growing demand of express enterprises for capacity, efficiency and cost.

Making the sorting of large and small parcels “faster”, the change of drive mode has become the core competitiveness of Wayzim’s automation equipment to achieve efficient sorting. Wayzim innovatively uses permanent magnet synchronous motor and servo control technologies to replace the traditional motor drive mode with drum motor.


Compared with the traditional drive device, Wayzim’s drum motor with a shortened drive chain, runs more smoothly with less vibration, lower noise and higher reliability, and has a greatly extended service life. It is applicable to various types of automatic sorting equipment.

Pivot wheel sorters are used for large parcels, with a dynamic load more than 60kg/m² and the efficiency of 6000 pcs/h; Cross-belt automatic sorters are used for small parcels, and under the main line running speed of 2.5m/s, the sorting efficiency of the double-layer cross-belt sorter can reach 24000 pcs/h. For narrow-belt sorters for sorting at small space, the maximum sorting efficiency of 9000 pcs/h can be achieved.

Three Advantages to Meet Rigid Demands

  • Customized service

Design based on customer's special requirements

  • Flexible supply

Effectively reduce procurement costs

  • Diversified portfolio

Deep fit for automatic sorting scenario


Series Products Suitable for Multiple Scenarios

Drum motor for belt conveyor line

In e-commerce retail, industrial warehousing and other application scenarios, there are various boxes, pallets, parcels and other goods in the tasks of conveying, detection and shunting. Through continuous operation, variable speed operation and other control methods, Wayzim’s belt conveyor line can select straight lines, slopes, curves and other line forms according to the terrain with the support of drum motors.

The drive motor of belt conveyor line of Wayzim can meet the actual working conditions of various loads, and has a variety of sizes and weights to choose, suitable for different types of installation space.

It supports the conveyor belt, to ensure the stable operation of the conveyor belt by controlling the belt's overhang not exceeding the required level. It can also transport materials with large impact load or heavy weight in a single piece, and has the characteristics of simple structure and high reliability.

The product has the following advantages:

More energy-saving: Use variable frequency controller to save energy and improve efficiency

Multiple scenarios: Applicable under harsh conditions such as heavy dust and humidity

High load: A single drum motor TM165 can bear maximum load of 400kg, while a single drum motor TM216 can bear maximum load of 800kg, which can realize high load conveying

Drum motor for belt conveyor line - DM165


Drum motor for belt conveyor line - DM216


Drum motor for intelligent warehouse conveyor

In the warehousing scenario, the continuous batch conveying and sorting of cartons, turnover boxes, goods with pallets and other materials require the conveyor line to meet the working conditions of different loads, and to realize flexible conveying to match the multi-line conveying scenarios such as straight lines, curves, and shunting and converging.

The drum motor for Wayzim’s intelligent warehouse conveyor, a small expert who shuttles through intelligent warehouses, can meet the diversified needs of customers and break the limitation of belt conveying mode.

Drum Motor for Intelligent Warehouse Conveyor - MDR50


The product has the following advantages:

More efficient: Permanent magnet synchronous motor to achieve efficient transmission and energy saving

More flexible: Extremely flexible application with a variety of connection terminals

Economic and environmental protection: Low operation noise, convenient maintenance and installation

The huge business volume of e-commerce, the requirements of consumers on the timeliness of logistics and the high sensitivity of manufacturers to logistics costs have stimulated the demand of the express industry to reduce costs and increase efficiency, thus bringing the electric drum with permanent magnet synchronous motor into view.

After years of research and development, Wayzim has effectively solved the technical problems of high power density and high efficiency motors, integrated transmission, sealing and heat dissipation. Currently, the drum motor product line of Wayzim has been serialized, has completed the full coverage of the logistics and express industry, and has been applied to the intelligent warehousing industry on a large scale.

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